[THE MOGUL GROUP] ..:: 5 Clear Signs You’re Dating A Stalker ::..

Photo By Pudge Photos

“Being with an insanely jealous person is like being in the room with a
dead mammoth.” Mike Nichols. An overprotective relationship can seem
like you are serving a jail term where you get to have sex at least
once a week. One day while walking out of my apt in NC, I saw this girl
whom I haven’t seen since the day I moved in, she was walking super
fast, I later found out she was sneaking out of the house to escape her
alcoholic boyfriend who beat her up and kept her tied down with the
baby. She would have done anything I wanted her to do, just for the
experience of being free that night. I didn’t take her up on her offer,
although something deep down inside wanted to, because she was
beautiful. But, for the year I never seen her I wonder if she knew she
was in a toxic relationship.

Here are some signs you’re with an overprotective lover:

Mr. Telephone Man:

– Does your lover check your phone? If so you might be with an
overprotective person. Trust is the key to this post, and in a
relationship trust is vital to having some sort of freedom in order to
keep your sanity. No one wants to have their interaction with someone
policed. Now granted people are grimy in general, and a friend of the
opposite sex, can be a lover without you knowing. Will Forte wrote
“Steve was incredibly nice, but in a way someone might be nice when
they are sleeping with your girlfriend” You just never know, but at the
end of the day freedom is needed and being the phone police is not the
way to do it.

– Does your lover call you a bit too much? One of my followers on
twitter told me her ex boyfriend called her every 5 minutes when she
wasn’t around him. He would count her rings and he’d know if she was on
the phone or not. Crazy right? “he would be like y r u ignoring me when
your on the phone? Im like how do you know? “b/c ur phone only rang for
37 sec’s” WTF” ~ AlwaysConvinced If you’re not able to enjoy a night
away from your lover, then it’s a clear sign you need to end that
relationship, it’s just not healthy.
– Playing phone games. I had an ex-girlfriend who some how got the
number to my new girlfriend, and one night while chilling at my
girlfriends house my phone run, I answered the phone and all I heard
was breathing, a few minutes later my girl’s phone wrung and again all
she heard was breathing. Come to find out it was my ex girl calling
both of us to listen to the background noise to see if we were in the
same place. If you’re playing games like this, then you might just need
to move on, and if someone else is playing this weird stalker type
game, then you need to make it clear to them that it’s over and not
leave anything open for a future cashing in of a coochie coupon.
Somebody’s Watching Me:

– Overprotective lovers seem to have a team of people to help them be a
stalker. I can’t tell you he many times I’ve heard women say “My man
will know he has people following me” granted I shouldn’t have been
trying to temp any young woman to cheat, but an overprotective
relationship will cause women to start looking for options. You never
know what this crazy lover is telling their friends, they could paint a
picture of their lover being the worst person in the world when in turn
it’s their antics which is causing a person to stray. My boy Napps126
had a similar situation “yep! Had her people watching me in the club
and going on other people myspace pages to see the pictures we took
– Ayo Technology: With the popularity of social networking sites like
Myspace and Facebook it’s almost like a stalkers dream come true. It’s
so easy to hop from page to page trying to read deeper into a
flirtacious comment, or an extra sexy picture posted on a webpage. If
you have to check comments in order to figure out if your lover is
cheating, then you need to end that relationship asap.
There are a million other signs of an overprotective lover, but these
are the most common. What are some other ways overprotective lovers
keep tabs on their significant other?


Posted By Mogul to THE MOGUL GROUP at 1/20/2010 03:30:00 PM