..:: Jesikah Maximus ‘Bootyshaka’! ::..

Jesikah Maximus reveals, in ShowCase 2, that ‘Bootyshaka’ was her nickname in high school. I couldn’t have said it better myself. Jesikah is in her element in this shot, exuding confidence and owning the camera. No doubt this is her best set yet.

On working with Jessica Burciaga, she says…

It was a great shot together. I think these OC sexy Latinas knocked it out! She’s beautiful and I would do it again.

No doubt I think Jesikah showed she can work it from the front and the back.

Checkout JesikahMaximus.com or drop a line at her MySpace.


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..:: I Should Have Know She Was A 2 Bit Sl*re ::..


Written by Marvelous Mo for Blogxilla.com

F*ck forgiveness! That bish f*cked my MAN!

Whoa! That was an Angry Black Woman spazz out on my end, my bad! Every now and then, ya girl wakes up in a cold sweat holding an imaginary butcher knife with fresh blood on it thinking I killed the whore who screwed the love of my life (at that point of my life). I’ve since moved on emotionally from this guy and a few relationships later, I still have flash backs of the anger I felt when my closest friend from school did the ultimate taboo: f*cked my boyfriend.

You see, back when I was in school I had no clue what the hell I was getting into with certain things and certain people. The magnitude of a person’s words and actions weren’t apparent and obvious at the time and I sure as hell wasn’t smart enough to suspect anything. I took people for who they SAID they were, not by what they have proven themselves to be. So, my situation was with a friend who SAID she would never betray me and a boyfriend who SAID he never lie to me, and in most cases try to make me look like I was the idiot for noticing his bull shit. I was head over heels for this guy and was deeply in love with him. It was a major thing for me.

To make a long story shot, I had to snoop in peoples email addresses to figure out why my man and my best friend were acting so different around me, walking away when I entered a room, stopped looking me in my eye, and the whole bit. Point blank, it was my fault why these two people ended up fucking each other. Their sexcapade is the product of what happens when you’re 19-20 years old, naive and in a serious relationship with someone. I allowed them to get too close thinking that they both loved me enough to not even think about going there. And even though I exclude my family from my personal life, my own Mom picked up on that odd paring and warned me to keep my man and my friends separated. I rolled my eyes thinking she was being nosey, but damn it if mothers aren’t the smartest people you could ever know sometimes!


In this situation I learned a valuable lesson: TRUST NOBODY. So simple and obvious until someone catches you slipping. It’s been about 4 years since this shit went down and I’m still angry about it. Not that I’m hanging on to the guy because he barely crosses my mind in that sense, but I’m upset at the feeling of anger and disappointment I felt when I found out. How do you forgive some shit like that? I can’t forgive that hoe! It’s so bad that every time I see her high school friend, who ironically enough described her as a whore bag whenever she mentioned her, I don’t even shake the chicks hand or acknowledge her as I would anybody who I’m being introduced to.

It’s a reason why whenever I’m dating someone or I am talking to someone I really like, I never bring him around my friends. I just don’t trust a chick. It could be looked at as insecurity, but I wouldn’t even trust a Nun after some shit like that. A hoe is a hoe. Real talk. I would love to throw my Ex-Boyfriend under the bus, but he’s just being a then 26 year old boy. Anything with a penis (both imaginary and natural) only have one thing on their minds… SEX. Don’t care about nobody else but themselves when they see something they like. It’s why Catholic priests are in so much trouble now. Horn dogs….

But how do you find forgiveness in some shit like that? It’s not like I’m mad at him for not choosing me or some shit like that. It’s more so the disrespect that I’m upset about. I’m heavy on that like 50 Cent is on loyalty. As bad as my memory is with everything else, I don’t forget a thing a person has done to me either, so that automatically means my Scorpian self is heavy with grudges until I find sweet revenge. So childish, but my feelings need justice. Don’t you feel that way about some messed up situations you’re involved in?

I have to tell you when I read those emails the first thing I did was run to her crib and ring the buzzer. I was trying to convince her to come down stairs so “we can talk” and promised her it wouldn’t take long, which was code word for BITCH COME DOWN STAIRS SO I CAN WHIP YOUR ASS! I think she knew it was coming, but didn’t know when.

Now, what would you do if you were heavily in love with someone and the closest person to you had a sexual relationship with them behind your back?

Ladies & gents, the floor is yours!


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It’s 2009, not 1952

So Bristol Palin and Levi Johnston have ended their engagement. I just want to say I wish that family all the best and that whatever they do, it’s what’s right for the child, and for the quality of life for everyone involved. With that said, I can’t help but fight the urge to let a big “I told you so” spill forth from my mouth. The Palin matriarch fought night and day to convince the American public that her family was above any other family in taking the moral high ground and that her young teenaged daughter’s decision was one that she came to alone due to the excellent upbringing they provided her. Please give me a moment to lower my raised eyebrow.
First of all, if you remember, the Palin family was largely applauded for their handling of this pregnancy by people who are out of touch with the realities of teenage pregnancy. Personally I am pro-life (however, I do vote pro-choice) so I was glad to know that she wouldn’t be aborting. Yet at the same time, I was shocked by the level of support thrown her way with very little regard as to how she came to be in the family way. People like Bill O’Reilly who had railed against teenage pregnancy in other high-profile cases like Jamie Lynn Spears were suddenly singing a different tune. On one hand, teenagers who get pregnant are irresponsible, their parents are failures, and the sky is falling. However when you belong to a Conservative family involved in Politics with a folksy accent that’s out there working for Middle America, pro-life and gun-toting, well that’s a different story! You were just being young and carefree and well, mistakes happen. Considering your excellent upbringing you will come to the conclusion all by your pretty little self (oh Bless Your Heart!) that you should get married at 17 to the 18 year old, high school student, father of your child. When I woke up this morning, I am almost certain that my calendar said 2009.
I find it hard to believe that Bristol and Levi were not pushed to get married in the first place. I’m not judging, and honestly I wasn’t a fly on that wall, but I just can’t believe that in 2009 intelligent and informed young teens would decide that marriage is the next logical step. While having children out of wedlock is certainly never the ideal situation, I am pretty sure that forced marriages, irreconcilable differences, and a divorce is possibly worse. I know that I am not the same woman that I was when I was 17, and I don’t think your current circumstances should ever determine your future possibilities. So I don’t think that Bristol had to define her future simply due to her present position as a teenage mother.
Teenage pregnancy is something that has ALWAYS been an issue, however our society has decided to stigmatize it and sweep it under the rug. We love to point and laugh at all the minorities who are pregnant and we love to mock how many minorities are on WIC and welfare, but we rarely use that same accusatory finger on our more melanin challenged counterparts. Well, Mr. O’Reilly did take Jaime Lynn Spears to task, but he pretty much likened her to “trailer trash” and almost separate of the rest of the white population. Maybe the Palin baby will force mainstream America to take a different look at how to approach this issue. Teaching abstinence alone in schools is not effective. Sex and sexuality are natural human responses. Teaching kids to “just fight it” as opposed to how to deal with it responsibly clearly does not work. Here is a young woman who grew up in home in which her mother was clearly handling the business and producing brother after sister after brother, yet she’s being taught that the feelings she’s feeling should be suppressed and put on hold for years until she’s married. Now I will tell my children I think it is best that they wait until marriage, but at the same time, I will equip them with the knowledge necessary if they are unable to handle that pressure. I will not be a hypocrite and fail to teach my children how to be safe and responsible.
Perhaps now we’ll stop blaming it on the music, and on the parents who let their children go to the movies in the big dark movie theatre, and on the schools who showed their students how to use a condom. Perhaps now we’ll stop being so snide and rude to those we don’t like when they get pregnant, while saving our sympathy for those that we do. Perhaps now we’ll tackle the issue head on and come up with real solutions on how to properly educate our youth, and how to better respond when the “mistakes” do happen. Perhaps we need to spend more time educating parents on birth control and how to talk to their children about it. To do that though, we’ll have to teach our parents how to talk to their children to begin with. That’s always been a problem. It saddens me that it may take a high-profile non-minority family for this change to happen, but if that’s what it takes, then I’ll gladly do my part.

Jennifer Garrett
“Running For Their Lives”

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