Politics – Everyone for President 2012

No way, no how, no bailout.Image by jakerome via Flickr

Let me start by saying I am not an economist nor am I currently involved in politics and profess to know any and everything. More people should have those types of disclaimers. 🙂
This post was inspired by some blogs I’ve read out there in which opinions were voiced, but no solutions were given. I don’t want to start e-beef so I’ll just speak on my thoughts and my thoughts alone.
Well it looks like finally an agreement has been made about the stimulus package.
Of course in anything concerning politics everyone sees the same picture differently. There’s a problem, everyone has 80 million ways to fix it and no one can seem to agree with which way is the best way. Currently the economy is on fire, and President Obama is supposed to be the hot calendar fireman to come sirens blazing with the waterhose. Well it doesn’t work like that folks. He comes up with Idea A, the House says no but how about Idea B, the Senate says hell no but how about Idea C, Pres. O says ok how about Idea D and this continues until we reach a $789 billion stimulus package. Do i profess to know ALL that is in this package? No. I’m sorry, I’m just not that smart. But I do know that inaction would be a bitch right about now, and I thankfully did not sign up for the job as President. However, there are a bunch of people out there who, judging by the way they act, did sign up for the job but must have been overlooked. People are saying things like “Oh great, we only get $X amount of money added to our paychecks.” Or “They reduced such and such tax credit from this to that.” Hmmmm. Bah-humbag. I’m surprised that people are also shocked at how long this process will take to be enacted. Surely we didn’t think this would all take effect tomorrow? That’s how these things works. Remember School House Rocks? How a bill becomes a bill? Not to mention the President told us it would take a while.
I don’t know about y’all, but I’m just happy to HAVE a paycheck. $15 extra dollars is way better than $2 extra, no extra, or no job at all. The thing about tax cuts for people and businesses especially is there is no guarantee that that money will be reinvested in the U.S. economy anyway. If Company A gets a big tax break and now they are seeing steeper profits, they could (and most likely would) take the excess and use it to outsource certain business areas out of this country into a country with cheaper labor. Ahhhh the joys of the global economy. Make it the cheapest country, sell it in the poorest.
I cannot sit here and say the stimulus package is perfect. More infrastructure spending, whatever. I’m not even sure perfect could be reached. Clearly what one side wants the other side abhors. But the pissing and moaning over tiny details that to me we are taking for granted is a sad sad puppy. I sincerely hope that the people who are sarcastically and condescendingly bemoaning this package did their civic duty and called their congressmen/women and shared their concerns. I hope that they are active in their political communities and are well versed in the solutions that they feel would be better. I hope they are doing what it takes on the grassroots level to stimulate the economy (i.e. saving appropriately, making sound investments, living within their means, not abusing the credit/lending system, etc). Now I’m not saying we can’t be critical. Not at all. For me personally, when it comes to certain foreign policy issues and stances, as well as other things that i disagree with my leadership on, I am very critical. But I know on my end I’m doing what I can to bring my thoughts and concerns to the table, as well as any helpful solutions that I can come up with. Let’s educate each other instead of always turning up our faces and noses. Shoot… while I’m talking I’m going to take myself right now and read up on the complete ins and outs of this package.
Hate me or love me, I still got your back.

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