Black is the new Black!

Stephen ColbertStephen Colbert (via

So, before you get all in a tizzy about issues concerning race, just understand these are my opinions, thoughts, rants, etc, and I could be wrong and chances are I am. 🙂 Either way, it’s all fun and about getting dialogue started.

So! It seems that blackness has come full circle, and is actually, the new Black. Last week after the inauguration there was a sense of unity, hope, togetherness, and a crime-free weekend in DC despite the millions of people in one congested place in the freezing cold. Talk about run-on sentences. Last week the world gathered around the old Telly and shared a collective deep sigh at the sight of this country’s first black president. Say it with me: “Awwww”. I cannot tell a lie for fear my nose will grow. I too was awed by the greatness of the moment. I cried more times than I can count, and cheered when I saw Obama walk with extreme swag through the doors to his chair. This moment in our history is major. We all know the implications and honestly if I hear one more time “Did you believe this would happen in your lifetime?” I’m going to cry.
Last week some of our more esteemed media talking heads gave us quite a few things to laugh about or scratch our heads. Larry King kicked things off with “My 8 y/o son now wants to be black“. Hilarity! Now I’m not so quick to get offended here. He’s 8 years old. He has no clue what it’s really like to be black. I had to laugh. Never did I think I’d hear THOSE words. Then my dearest friend over at Comedy Central Stephen Colbert, followed it up with some good ole political comedy that never seems to fail. He mentioned how he really wants to be black now. The he ponders how to make that happen. Perhaps with some make-up? Oh it was funny. Please see it.
So that leads me to my point. Black truly is the new black. Michelle Obama‘s style is being analyzed and scrutinized harder than chinese algebra. The size of her derrière has been the topic of many conversations, whether in envy or digust (!?). Her children are the inspiration for some quite interesting looking hispanic dolls. (I’m sure they were attempting to make them black, but you know. It’s hard to get that good mocha/caramel to come out right. hehe) The new first family has brought the Cosby show to life. They are the living, breathing, Huxtables. Everyone wants to be them, and they are inspiring to people of all colors, creeds, and cultures. How cool is that!?
So I have a few questions for the readers.
Do you think this will last? How does it feel to have the inspiration for the ideal family model be a black family? How does it make you feel (black/white/asian/hispanic) to hear someone say (jokingly or not) “I wish I were black.”
Interesting right?

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Black is the new Black!

Stephen ColbertStephen Colbert (via

So, before you get all in a tizzy about issues concerning race, just understand these are my opinions, thoughts, rants, etc, and I could be wrong and chances are I am. 🙂 Either way, it’s all fun and about getting dialogue started.

So! It seems that blackness has come full circle, and is actually, the new Black. Last week after the inauguration there was a sense of unity, hope, togetherness, and a crime-free weekend in DC despite the millions of people in one congested place in the freezing cold. Talk about run-on sentences. Last week the world gathered around the old Telly and shared a collective deep sigh at the sight of this country’s first black president. Say it with me: “Awwww”. I cannot tell a lie for fear my nose will grow. I too was awed by the greatness of the moment. I cried more times than I can count, and cheered when I saw Obama walk with extreme swag through the doors to his chair. This moment in our history is major. We all know the implications and honestly if I hear one more time “Did you believe this would happen in your lifetime?” I’m going to cry.
Last week some of our more esteemed media talking heads gave us quite a few things to laugh about or scratch our heads. Larry King kicked things off with “My 8 y/o son now wants to be black“. Hilarity! Now I’m not so quick to get offended here. He’s 8 years old. He has no clue what it’s really like to be black. I had to laugh. Never did I think I’d hear THOSE words. Then my dearest friend over at Comedy Central Stephen Colbert, followed it up with some good ole political comedy that never seems to fail. He mentioned how he really wants to be black now. The he ponders how to make that happen. Perhaps with some make-up? Oh it was funny. Please see it.
So that leads me to my point. Black truly is the new black. Michelle Obama‘s style is being analyzed and scrutinized harder than chinese algebra. The size of her derrière has been the topic of many conversations, whether in envy or digust (!?). Her children are the inspiration for some quite interesting looking hispanic dolls. (I’m sure they were attempting to make them black, but you know. It’s hard to get that good mocha/caramel to come out right. hehe) The new first family has brought the Cosby show to life. They are the living, breathing, Huxtables. Everyone wants to be them, and they are inspiring to people of all colors, creeds, and cultures. How cool is that!?
So I have a few questions for the readers.
Do you think this will last? How does it feel to have the inspiration for the ideal family model be a black family? How does it make you feel (black/white/asian/hispanic) to hear someone say (jokingly or not) “I wish I were black.”
Interesting right?

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