Relationships – 8 Ways Your Relationship Can Die

8 Ways Your Relationship Can Die

This blog post is by – Please visit his blog site it’s one of the best on the web.

Posted in Relationships on Feb 05, 2009


We’ve all had to end a relationship before, either on good terms or bad, but have you ever stopped to think about what it is that killed your once blooming love? Some people place blame on others, never stopping to realize that there has been relationship killers around them the whole time.

Life – A person’s own life can be a major factor in ending a relationship. A lot of times we jump into a relationship when we are not mentally or emotionally ready to be involved with someone, because we found a chick with a fatty or a man with a nice body and good job. All the while our own money issues, and living conditions don’t permit us with the mind frame to provide the sort of attention your mate may need.

Friends and Family – Another sure fire relationship killer are your friends and family. It could be the single girlfriend who is always dragging you along to the club or your cousin who keeps dragging you into his lies in order to save his relationships. They say birds of a feather flock together… Now while I do believe that going out with your friends once in a while is needed, its another thing to go to the club every weekend in your shortest dress. Friends can also kill a relationship directly too, but trying to find out if all the praise that you give your lover is true or not. Curiosity killed the cat, and your friends killed your relationship.

That Person Who Just Won’t Give Up: We all have one, hell we might even be that person who just will always try to holla regardless of if you’re in the relationship or not. This person is almost bound to do something that will destroy your relationship either by leaving a comment on your myspace page, sending you a text at the wrong time or by bumping into you while you’re with your boo.

Habits and Hobbies: Habits can become really annoying really fast, if you snore, grind your teeth or burp in public without caring it’s just a matter of time before this once cute habit becomes the reason your relationship is dead. Also if you have a hobby that takes up a lot of your time your boo might want to spend more time with you and will be unable to because you’re strumming away at rock band or guitar hero topless at all hours of the night. If your boo leaves you for your hobby, they shouldn’t have been your boo, but it happens.

Ambition: Different strokes are for different folks, and while your ex might have liked you being home all day while they paid the bills your new lover might think you’re a lazy bastard for wanting to stay home all day. Career goals are a leading killer of all relationships. I once had a girlfriend who complained about her job every day, but she never tried to find another one or to advance her position. It ended up, being the end of us.

Space: If you’re apartment is small it might not be a good idea to move in or spend a lot of time at this person’s house. People get tired of each other very fast, and no one wants to be boo’d up on a twin bed night after night.

Style: This is the trap, you meet someone in their Sunday’s best and after a while you realize that you don’t like the way this person’s dresses. Or the short shirt she wore when he met her suddenly is no longer acceptable now that she is his. I’m a firm believer of choosing the right person for you. If you feel like this person is the one for you, and they do something you don’t like then you need to change yourself to accept them for who they are. Who knows this person might even change themselves for you.

Cheating: Based off a few of the polls on we’ve understand that it’s hard for people to be with only one person. I believe that in order to stop cheating you have to have had hurt someone you really cared about. It’s sort of shock treatment. Despite the feelings a person may or may not have had, they still tend to cheat or flirt with other people, regardless of the how their boo might feel about the situation. Cheating is something that can be avoided and if you put your self in the position to cheat, you should understand that, that was the reason your relationship died.

This blog post is by – Please visit his blog site it’s one of the best on the web.

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