Kanye and Cognac : It’s The Class, Not The Glass

I am sure by now most of you have already heard of Kanye West (he is a rapper/singer if you don’t know who he is) making an idiot out of himself at the MTV VMA awards. I am not big on waching TV but some my friends had come over and they wanted to watch the awards show. We got our Courovisier ready and started watching the show. That is when Kanye West’s reaction to Taylor Swift winning the award totally struck a nerve. If you haven’t already watched the video here it is.

MTV Shows

Now that the social media platforms and the media is abuzz with Kanye’s behavior, a new reason is being given for Kanye’s atrocious behavior. The reason is called “Kanye and Cognac.” I suppose Kanye’s favorite drink is Hennessy VSOP and he had been drinking during the VMA awards. Well, first and foremost, a man of character knows that isn’t exactly an ideal place to drink. Him being a celebrity is no excuse either. The images shows Kanye drinking cognac straight out of the bottle, take a look

We are old school here at cognac.com so we have no idea. What is it that she is wearing?

Here is an exclusive video showing Kanye in actiondrinking cognac at the VMA awards

First off, we would like to advice Kanye and his friend that cognac isn’t a drink that you drink straight out of the bottle (here are some tips on drinking cognac Mr. West). Second, we would like to tell the entertainment industry that since celebrities are often seen as role models, they shouldn’t be allowed to drink freely during awards like these, especially if it’s being filmed.

No matter what anyone else says, getting drunk and being a celebrity isn’t an excuse to blurt out whatever you want. And who ever says Kanye’s outburst was due to him drinking cognac, let us say this

Cognac is a wise man’s drink, not an idiot’s.

Also we have a request for Mr. Kanye,

Would it be possible for you to not drink cognac anymore. We hate to be associated with people like you.

Besides, drinking alcohol shouldn’t be an excuse for that kind of behavior. Some people have no class and blame it on the glass, not a good excuse. Here is another one of his meltdowns from 2007 where he said he would never return to MTV again,

There, we said what we had to say. If you have got anything to say, we are all ears.

Source – http://digg.com/d214LXn?t13

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